Pirates Pleasure Chest

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Pirates Pleasure Chest at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Sydneyb
Senior Officer(s) Ajson, Bloodworthy, Bluelemon, Bumerang, Captaintj, Crazyblonde, Darlie, Fireangel, Jadeblythe, Jkara, Ladydrake, Lostwafe, Passionpatti, Redskellie, Sydneyb, Tiggerguy
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Dark Asylum
Founded 24 June, 2007
Dormant or disbanded as of 15 October, 2008
Crews-Pirates Pleasure Chest.jpg

Pirates Pleasure Chest is a crew that sails the Cobalt Ocean. It was founded on June 24, 2007 and flies the flag of Dark Asylum. It disbanded in the fall of 2008.

Crew Public Statement

We are mostly an adult crew, and hold strong to our foundation of friendship first, having fun, and being the best we can be by emphasizing training and practice puzzling. Show us that ye can be the best and ye will be invited along to our Elite pilliages.

Crew Colors - Aqua, Black, Grey

Jobbers - Always ask Permission to Board (PTB) before boarding a ship. Never ask to Gun or Navigate. Stay stationed during battle unless told to move by the XO (Commanding Officer). Have Fun!

Cabin Person - Join the crew you must have successfully sailed with one of our officers as a jobber and have expressed an interest in a full time position with our team. You must have demonstrated yourself to be friendly and mature in your conduct towards others.

Pirate - All subscribers will be promoted to Pirate immediately make sure to let an officer know when you have subscribed.

Officer Requirements

Officer - Registered Member of Crew and Flag Forums. Trust of captain and SOs, Need to be Active in the Crew for 2 weeks and attend at least 3 crew pillages unless you are a hearty of a Senior Officer and they can vouch for the pirates character. A minimum of Broad/Respected in 2 of the main ship puzzles - Bilge, Carp, & Sails, Broad in Gunnery, Narrow (So you get the Navy Mission) in Duty Navigation, Apprentice in Battle Navigation. A provisional rank granted to those in training. All prospective officers will be paired with a Senior Officer who is responsible for their development. Pirates will be promoted to officer once they have proven themselves competent and mature enough to begin their education.

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