Defeated by Pilkojr ( far)
Defeated by Isgrauzk. Donated to Pilkojr
Orchids with Card (inscribable).
Exotic Coffee - Obtained 16-Jun-07.
Violet. Given to Pilkojr as a gift.
Red. Given to Pilkojr as a gift.
Yellow. Given to Pilkojr as a gift.
Lime. Purchased from the forums.
Handkerchief. Aqua/Lime.
Violet Silk Handkerchief. Brigand King Trinket.
Team Gangrenous Ghouls, 7th Place, Halloween 2005.
Admiral Finius' Fish Eye Lens Monocle.
Barnabas the Pale's Will o' Wisp.
2nd Place, Viridian Distilling Bake-off 2006.
Team Fleet Fighter, 5th Place, Fight Club 2006.