Pandora's Box (crew)

From YPPedia
Pandora's Box at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Tinster
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation The Black Pearl
Founded 9 August, 2008
Dormant as of 27 September, 2008

Pandora's Box is a crew on the Cobalt Ocean, founded by Tonytonychop on August 9th, 2008

Public Statement

Okay we arent so new anymore but still please join!

Extended Public Statement

Ranks:Cabin person:just ask. Pirate:be a subscriber.Officer:have my trust and be a subscriber.Fleet officer:be a current Officer for 2-3 months and have narrow in 4 piracy skills.Senior officer:be a Fleet officer for 2-3 months and have narrow in every pirace skill. Ok now thats all the ranks so I don't have to put that in the private statement!

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