P I M P's-West

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P I M P's-West at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Captain Parody (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Bucke, Elitejack, Fama, Kandiaun, Mory, Phail-West, Prodigal-West (ALL are dormant)
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation All or Nothing
Founded 19 June, 2007
Dormant as of 11 January, 2017
Favicon.png Crew Info

P I M P's-West is a dormant crew on the Emerald Ocean, flying the flag of All or Nothing. It was founded in the year 2007 on June 19th by Diopter as P I M P's on the former Sage Ocean.

Public statement

Dont know what ya heard about me, but i'm a freaking P.I.M.P

Extended public statement

Under construction...... but we're still pimping. Silly Chicks, Trix are for Pimps.

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