Official:Services/Rename building

From YPPedia

Minor corrections to fix typos in spelling or capitalization are free.

To request a correction in spelling or capitalization submit a petition including:

  • The location of the building
  • The current name and type of the building
  • The corrected name

How to rename your building:

  • Click/tap on the rogue marks in the Miscellaneous section of the booty panel and go to the Rogue Mark Shop. Click on the 'Other' tab then drag the deed of the building into the Rename Building section and enter the desired name.


  • Cost: 10 rogue marks
  • Our Building Naming Policy applies for renames as well -- please read it before submitting your request!
  • Building names cannot exceed 34 characters in length.
  • Only the owner of a building may change the name.
  • All words must be real, English words as defined by

Please ensure your rename request is spelled and capitalized correctly. Improperly formatted requests may be denied and you may be required to resubmit your request.


If your intended building rename does not meet the above rules completely but you feel it is deserving of review, for example an apt pun which is not a real word, we may consider making an exception.

To request an exception please submit a petition including the following before submitting your request:

  • The location of the building
  • The current name of the building
  • Your proposed rename
  • An explanation on why your rename request qualifies for an exception

What happens next:

We will take a day or two to review your request. We will reply to your petition letting you know if the request is approved or rejected. If the name is allowed please submit your rename request through the Rogue Mark Shoppe. We will not discuss the reason for refused requests.