
From YPPedia


Brawling takes place when two teams of pirates face off against each other in a Swordfight. This is akin to the boarding battle in a player-vs-player sea battle, but without all the sailing around and shooting at each other beforehand.

Brawls can be joined from the parlor games table at the Inn, or from specific Brawl tables.


To start a Brawl create a table by configuring the puzzle with a wager, if required, and press start. You will join the Brawl, and now other players who click on the table can see the current teams and join up.

You can see the ocean-wide swordfighting ranks of each side. Each entrant will be required to post the wager, if any. When the sides are fairly even and everyone's on board, the organiser of the Brawl can start the fight!

Brawls proceed much like the swordfight in boarding during Sea Battles. Grouping wisely and working well with yer team is the secret to successful brawling.