Northern Star

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Northern Star at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Herculez
Senior Officer(s) Dracoman
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Get Back
Founded 23 June, 2010
Dormant as of 12 January, 2011

Northern Star was a crew on the Sage Ocean, created June 23rd, 2010.

Public Statement

If Your Active,Trustworthy,and Not too Stupid,We'll Love to Have Ya!


We are a crew that values loyalty and activity above all else,but stats are important too.We like to have fun but we can be serious at times too.If you want to join just ask any of the Officers.


Icon cabin person.png Cabin Person

This rank is mainly for players who are still learning how to play the game. Once you have a basic understanding of how everything works you may become a Pirate.

Icon pirate.png Pirate

If you know how to play just ask any Officer to invite you to the crew.

Icon officer.png Officer

This is the first major rank in the crew. To gain this rank you must be trusted to some degree and own a ship. You must also have at least 2 Broads and 2 Distinguished Stats. Keep in mind that this rank requires maturity and activity.

Icon fleet officer.png Fleet Officer

No one will become a Fleet Officer automatically. You must first become a Officer and prove that you can handle it. If we see that you make a good Officer and are very trustworthy, you will become a Fleet Officer if there's a need for one. This rank also Requires 3 Broads and 4 Distinguished Stats.

Icon senior officer.png Senior Officer

To Become a Senior Officer you must have been a Fleet Officer. If after being a Fleet Officer you showed great levels of maturity and trust you will become a Senior Officer if there's a need for one.


Everyone in the crew must follow these rules. If you break these rules you will be given only ONE warning. If the rule broken is serious you will be kicked out without a warning.

  1. Do not take from a ship that's not yours. If you take a ship out for a pilly always restock.
  2. Don't be disrespectful to anyone in the crew. Including the jobbers.
  3. Try to be as active as possible so we have an active crew.
  4. Please try not to leave or doze during a pilly. If you must leave give a good reason. If you were dozing (asleep) give a good reason as well.
  5. Do not ask for ranks. Do not try to discuss it a lot as well. If the Captain thinks you should get it then you will. Asking is a good way of showing you shouldn't get it, so just don't.
  6. Don't Suck