Noble Hearts

From YPPedia
Noble Hearts at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Nobleheart
Senior Officer(s) Legendpirate, Navalt, Qiuntus
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Northern Royalty
Founded 2 January, 2014
Last updated on 21 January, 2014
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Noble Hearts is a crew on the Meridian Ocean. It was originally founded on January 2, 2014, by Nobleheart along with his trusted senior officers, Navalt, Qiuntus and Macaria. The crew currently holds illustrious fame on the crew leaderboard, sitting at #3 as of January 22, 2014.

The crew is an active pillaging crew, but not as active as it could be concerning PvP combat.