
From YPPedia

Nickeysharp Captain of the former crew The Dutchman Outlawz, Captain of the current crew Armada of the Apocalypse

Contributions and Accomplishments

  • Get The Dutchman Outlawz to 3rd on the Crew Leader board 2007-2009
  • Obtain over 100k November 2009
  • Started Armada of the Apocalypse May 2010


In The Beginning Nickeysharp joined Hunter in early 2007, He started his pirate career with the crew Mega Sea Pirates under the captain of Megaboy, after spending half a year in Mega Sea Pirates he went off to create The Dutchman Outlawz with his First Mate Bigheadedelf after reaching his goal of getting his crew into the crew leaderboard, [b]Nickeysharp[/b] retired for a year promising to return in the near future.

His Return In April 2010 Nickeysharp was spotted roaming Aimurai Island, and has confirmed his return with his new crew Armada of the Apocalypse, along with his Right hand man Bigheadedelf