Nautical Naughtiness

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Nautical Naughtiness at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch Nits of Mischievous Misfits
Member crew(s) Mischievous Misfits
Dormant as of 22 June, 2007

Nautical Naughtiness is a flag on the Midnight Ocean. It was founded on December 5th, 2004.

Public Statement

Solace of the Sea

The sturdy sloop bobs along, Waves licking at the sides. Its sails filled with lilting breeze Birthing joy in my sighs.

The scent of kelp and ocean air, Gulls gliding overhead, The swish of boat upon the foam, I slumber in my water bed.

Rejoicing in the shifting ocean, And the friendships that I find, The suntanned faces, generous hearts, Like currents running through my mind

Oh glorious days spent on the water, When escape is what must be. Sea calls me with its siren song Come launch and sail! Be free with me!


We be a flag of friendship and fun. Together we will pillage and play in the Midnight Ocean.


We are an adult flag, our flag officer chat can and will become naughty at times. If you are offended by swearing, adult humor or shameless flirtation, we be not the flag for you. However! If you enjoy being openly flirtatious and enjoy adult humor and conversation, we may indeed be the flag you've been looking for! For more Information please speak with Nity or one of the Royalty.

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