Mystery Core

From YPPedia
Mystery Core at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch Sweetmomma of Beauty and the Beasts
Member crew(s) Armed and Ready, Beauty and the Beasts, Boomy Nights, Brigantes, Hot Brownies, Le Toys, Mystery Inc, Nereus, Red Dawn, the elite code, The Hot Tamales, The Red Rum Crew, Universal pirates
Founded 12 December, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 27 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Mystery Core.jpg


Mystery Core was a flag on the Midnight Ocean founded in the year 2008 on the 12th Day of December by an amalgamation of Mystery Inc and Septera Core.

Mystery Core officially disbanded in 2010.

Scoobdoo (retired monarch) wishes the ocean the best of luck in the future.

Shops and stalls

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Blockades at a glance

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External links

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