Mu Abtu (Meridian)

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"Mu Abtu" redirects here. For other uses, see Mu Abtu (disambiguation).
Mu Abtu
Meridian Ocean
Medium island in the Komodo Archipelago
Mu Abtu (Meridian).png

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Navy color   unknown
This island has no pets on it.
Outpost Medium Large
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Mu Abtu is a medium island located in the Komodo Archipelago. There are three known routes from the island: Celesta Isle, Midgard Island and Zuyua Mist

Natural resources

This island spawns butterfly weed, iris root, masuyite, and sugar cane.


There are no buildings on Mu Abtu.


Mu Abtu is currently an uninhabitable island.


Mu Abtu was originally located on the Malachite Ocean. A rock near the southern end of the island reads "This island were fashioned by Snakeeyes."

The name Mu Abtu probably references a sacred fish in Egyptian mythology.