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Mrgaffa sails the Cobalt Ocean. He is a senior officer in Shrew Crew of the flag Static Before the Storm. Mrgaffa is an expert on gem running and provides the shrews with their pocket money.

Appearing on the shores of Dragons Nest in 2006, it didnt take long before he found his feet and left his greenie ways. Buying a house solely from poker winnings he didnt feel the need to sub until he came across what was to be his first crew, Queen Anns Revenge. Great kindness was bestowed on him by his crews captain Cessnapilotin the form of a months subscription and a brand new officers outfit with matching rank slides. This sent Mrgaffa on a steep journey up through the levels of bnavving soon becoming the crews main bnavver, often seen out on weeknights battling the Imperials on various war brigs.

Unfortunately his time was opposite to his crew and found himself many nights lonely and without company in his crew. He eventually turned to memming the oceans charts and quickly became a skilful navigator. This in turn helped him discover the vast possibilities and profit to be made through trading commodities. With help from some old salts in the trading business he soon found his footing and was profiting from transportation of herbs and minerals. Mrgaffa also helped to form a new flag, Raiders and Traders, combining his two loves of bnav and trading. With a strong fleet ad crew, the growing list of commodities traders had a safety blanket whilst learning from each other in a positive and helpful environment. It was during this time that Mrgaffa caught the scent of gems...

His first 'gem run' consisted of 15 gems from Dragons Nest to Crimson Island and from there it only grew n size. Not content with a few gems here and there Mrgaffa spent every drop of profit on increasing his own personal fleet of sloops ntil he had one for each commodity market and a few to spare. Collecting in bulk upwards of 200 gems at a time, Mrgaffa's lifestyle took a dramatic turn and he found himself in lavish black outfits, also tailoring black outfits for his captain and SO's, a return on his first free suit given to him six months earlier.

But this wasnt enough and Mrgaffa soon after left his crew citing a further thirst for social engagement and crew interativity. He stumbled across the Shrew Crew and it was love at first sight. It is here that he stayed, scaling the ranks to become SO and a Lord. Still continuing to gem run, Mrgaffa owns over 50 sloops and multiple WB's and MB's. He helped run commods for free when the Shrews began their own Shipyard on a newly conquered Diastrophe helped to fast track teh crews fleet and his own. He has also become to crews stock man, slowly building an arsenal of rum and shot...who knows what plans the shrews are concocting.


  • Senior officer in Shrew Crew
  • Has over 50 sloops