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Moushtie is a senior officer of the crew Stripped and a member of the flag Barely Dressed on the Malachite Ocean.
Moushtie is a keen memmer on malachite spending a lot of her pirate time doing commod runs and memorizing those routes that some of us have never even heard of.
Moushtie moved to malachite from cobalt, where her main was Mousht. Greatly loved by all that know her and respected by all for her skills.
Stalls and Shoppes
(Bold for shoppes)
Owns Moushtie's Distilling Stall on Barracuda Island
Owns Moushtie's Distilling Stall on Chrysalis Island
Manages Flameraider's Distilling Stall on Chelydra Island
Crew & Flag History
- Fleet Officer/Senior Officer of Stripped - Member of Barely Dressed
- Achieved Ultimate in Sailing.
- Achieved Ultimate in Navigating.
- Achieved Ultimate in Rumble.
- Acquired both Ultimate and No.1 in Spades.
Mousht is captain of the crew Champions of Valhalla and a princess of the flag What The Falchion on the Cobalt Ocean.
Stalls and Shoppes
(Bold for shoppes)
Owns Fintan Fine Fluids on Fintan Island
Owns Shillelagh Soldiers on Fintan Island
Manages Irishkea on Fintan Island
Manages Fizz's Tailor on Fintan Island
Crew & Flag History
- Captain of Champions of Valhalla - Royalty of What The Falchion
- Colonized, governed and built Fintan Island.
Moushtie started her pirating career on Midnight, later moving on to Cobalt when it opened and Malachite since.
Stalls and Shoppes
(Bold for shoppes)
Crew & Flag History
- Senior Officer of Champions of Valhalla - Member of Seraph's Nightmare
- Achieved Ultimate in Gunning
- Achieved Ultimate in Rumble
- Achieved Ultimate in Spades