Moose of Doom
Moose of Doom-West at a Glance | |
Cerulean Ocean | |
Captain | Elfkin |
Senior Officer(s) | Losgunna-West |
Politics | Oligarchic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Valor |
Founded | 28 November, 2005 |
Last updated on 10 March, 2012 | |
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- If you're looking for the Midnight Crew of the same name, go to Moose of Doom (Midnight).
Moose of Doom-West is a crew that sails the Cerulean Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of Valor.
Moose of Doom was founded by Agnar, Auron, Blueminky, and Losgunna on 28 November, 2005.
Several other pirates from the crew, Moogles of Mayhem, soon joined the ranks of Moose of Doom and the crew quickly grew to be the most famed crew in the flag Hydrophobia.
In January of 2006, Moose of Doom left Hydrophobia. While searching for a new home, the crew discovered the flag of Valor and quickly became a member crew. Within a month of joining Valor, the crew ranks swelled when the crews Lost Souls and Void If Removed both merged into Moose of Doom.
Public Statement
Hide in terror as ye hear the dreaded bugle. Peek from beneath yer bed to see it running across the waves. The Moose of Doom comes.
Give a yell if you want to join up.
Behave yerself, don't be too annoying and ye'll get along fine. Skill comes over time so don't worry if yer just starting out.
Crew Articles
(Any decent pirate should know these regardless of crew)
- Ask before boarding ships, failure to do so may result in immediate plankings.
- When on a ship at sea: work. Lazy pirates may be planked.
- Don't be annoying: No spamming, swearing, random trade/fight request, fighting with bots while we're sailing.
Promotion Requirements
The Moose are always looking for good pirates to join us. We will not, however, sign you on unless we see you in action. If you're on our ships, working hard, and following the rules listed in the crew articles, we'll strongly consider any requests to join. If you're looking to learn more about the Moose of Doom, or are thinking of joining up, look for any of the officers. And as a side note, if you see lots of tackling in the Moose, never fear. It's perfectly normal.
Promotions occur on the following basis:
- Pirate: Become a subscriber and let an officer know
- Officer: Ask the captain (if he's not available, a senior officer may be able to help) and complete the officer training program and register for the flag forums.
- Fleet officer: At the discretion of the Captain and Senior Officers.
- Senior officer: At the discretion of the Captain.
- Captain: Not likely, as the one we have is quite capable.