Midnight Avengers

From YPPedia
Midnight Avengers at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Missclaire
Senior Officer(s) Beeson,Hotshotlol,Maruder-West
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobbers Delight
Flag Affiliation Knights of Meridian
Last updated on 24 July, 2013
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Crews-Midnight Avengers.jpg

Midnight Avengers is a crew that sails the Meridian Ocean.

Public statement

welcome to Midnight Avengers, we are recruiting. We are a fun crew and will do anything to help.

Extended public statement

Crew Stalls~

Helichicken's Ironmonger stall on Lima island; Crew discount - ?%


Renowned fame: 7/3/2013

Celebrated fame: 7/4/2013

Eminent fame: 7/11/2013

Crew Fame list Rank #61 obtained on 7/12/2013

Crew Fame list Rank #57 obtained on 7/15/2013

Crew Fame list Rank #56 obtained on 7/17/2013

Crew Fame list Rank #53 obtained on 7/19/2013

Crew Fame list Rank #48 obtained on 7/24/2013


1.) Listen to all Rules

2.) NO stealing from ships, if you are caught stealing from ships you will be expelled from the crew and reported.

3.) Follow the T.O.S

4.) Have fun, I make these rules for us to have fun.

5.) be kind to other crew members and jobbers.

6.) listen to the O.I.C on the pilly.

7.) If you leave during battle (unless its an emergency) you will get -1 when the OIC divides the booty

8.) any ZZZers will be planked on the 3rd warning.

9.) any Lazers will be planked on the 3rd warning.

10.) If you sail on a ship that is not yours, please restock the ship of what ever you used, look at the officer notes on board, if no restocking comments are specified, replace what you used.


12.) any questions ask Missclaire or any SO.

We now have a crew hall! The crew hall resides on Olive island. It will be where the Meetings will be held, crew fundraisers, etc. Drop by and see it!

Donatons~ to make this crew better we now have a donation center! You can donate PoE on the ship Unchanged Silverside ported in Dragon's Nest. The donations will only be used for: ships for the crew, furniture for the crew hall, and possibly badges for those who need it.

Private Statement


Cabin person: Punishment or Alt

Pirate: Automatic

Officer: 2 broads and 1 solid, (1 broad must be in Bnav [You must also have minimum of proficient in Bnav]) and/or own a ship (in order to lead a pilly make sure you have an FO+ on board or have the O.K. from the Captain or a SO) + Pass beginning Officer test

Fleet Officer: 3 broads and 2 solids + stats for Officer and MUST own a ship (must be in crew for a little while to gain trust of captain and Senior Officers) + Must also pass an advanced Officer test

Senior Officers: Must be trusted by captain. (also must meet the same requirements as a Fleet Officer)