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Mcgarvery is a storyteller who, according to story, was the first pioneer to travel to Malachite Ocean.


McGarvery was mainly a pirate of the Sage Ocean. He rose to fleet officer rank in the Irish Rogues, currently Siren's Song, before founding his own crew, the Seafoam Hermits. In time, though, he abandoned this ghost crew and returned to Siren's Song. In summer of 2007, Mcgarvery 'cast off' from Sage Ocean, declaring intent to travel to a new world, seeking some powerful force he felt in the distance.

On May 6th, his grand frigate crashed into the rock walls of Sconce Isle in the Malachite Ocean while he slept. There on the dock, McGarvery found the powerful pirate who had been calling him to the new ocean, who, in fact, turned out to be Cleaver himself.

McGarvery currently resides on Saltstraum Rock of the Malachite Ocean, and is captain of the Seafoam Corsairs.

He participated in the Grand Crafting Puzzle Project for a time, and was fixated on producing a foraging puzzle. (GCPP:Proposal-Pike)

He has a minor reputation as a prognosticator, having eerily predicted Atlantis before it was launched, in a tacky parody song. Mere hours before the announcement of the fourth English doubloon ocean, Mcgarvery mysteriously returned to activity in the forums.