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Matthewson is a pirate sailing on the Sage Ocean. He is the senior officer of the crew Defilers of Honour, and a member of the flag Zero.


Matthewson started sailing the Sage Ocean in January of 2008. A previous stint on the Midnight Ocean under a different name gave him the skills to be a successful pirate, but starting from scratch meant relearning all of the various pirate tasks. One of his first pillages was with the Defilers of Honour, a recently started crew. Wanting to be a large part of a crew, Matthewson signed up and has been assisting in pillages ever since.

Matthewson's goal is to memorize the entire Sage Ocean, a goal made easier by the acquisition of his sloop, the Jealous Sunfish. He maintains Master or better status in as many pirating tasks as he can, but specializes in Sailing and loves to perform Shipwrightery. He can frequently be seen on navy vessels working on his Gunnery. He is known for uttering strange and unusual expressions of frustration when a battle goes badly.

Contributions and Achievements

  • Attempted to explore Atlantis in a War Brig with Inanimatej, but failed. However, the value for increasing his reputation as a crazy pirate willing to try anything was worth it.
  • Crewed a sloop that entered into a flotilla attack.
  • Curses employed by Matthewson:

Poseidon's salty nipples!

Satan's flaming codpiece!

Kraken's festering bilge sac!

Holy jumpin' catfish!

Rat dropping sorbet!

  • More to come...

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