Llyrs Tempest

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Llyrs Tempest at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Talmage

In our hearts = Ladyaife

Senior Officer(s) Wren
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Morrigan's Fury
Founded 12 November, 2006
dormant as of 11 February, 2010
Crews-Llyrs Tempest.jpg

Llyrs Tempest is a crew on the Cobalt Ocean. The official crew color is gray, which is accompanied by another color of personal preference of member pirates.

Public Statement

The tempest, the raw fury of the Sea God Llyr himself, it is who, and what we are.

Our main goal is simply to be the best, and battle through the Abyss itself to prove ourselves. We are tough, but kind and like to have fun.
If you would like to join the crew, please send a tell to Ladyaife, Talmage or Ctrledchaos. You must job with one of them first before ye may join.


Llyrs Tempest was formed by Ladyaife on the 12th of November 2006 with a gallant bunch of sailors and rapidly rose in both fame and skill. In fact after only 13 days, the crew was already of Scoundrels of eminent fame and appearing on the crew fame list.

The crew has continued to go from strength to strength, gathering PoE and new pirates regularly.

The crew itself spun off from its old flag, Lovers underground on New years of 2007 to form its own, installing Talmage, the crew's prime senior officer and first in command, as its queen. As the Flag crew of the flag, Llyr's Tempest has entered itself into small event blockades, and is currently in preparation to be involved in several others.

Llyr's tempest has nearly doubled in size, and is showing becoming more dominant, choosing first to have established a solid core crew, rather than being worried about it's size. Finding that unlike many of the crews above them, that having a consistent command insures more organization, and thus a better ability to consistently hold what power it gains

Crew Colors

Grey and your own choice.

The grey is symbolic of a storm, as to go with the crew's name, however LadyAife also realized that many would prefer being able to express themselves, and thus allows for any other color combination. The most common colors seen are grey and green, as well as grey and maroon.