
From YPPedia
LimeSplitters at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Reddogg
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation The Grip Of Diablo
Founded 27 November, 2011
Last updated on 11 December, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

LimeSplitters is a crew on the Meridian Ocean.

Public statement

Don't mess with the limes...

Extended public statement

You have limes, you can join! Crew colours... Lime, if you have them! Also, why not paint your ships LIME? Anyway:


Cabin Person: If you have novice/ables and a green name (no racism :P) you'll probably get this, just upon joining, unless the officer believes otherwise

Pirate: Come's basically automatic.

Officer: You can become officer for a few reasons: 1. You have Broad in most of the piracy stats. 2. You have at least proficient in b-nav. 3. You own a ship and are eager to pilly. :)

Fleet Officer: You won't usually get this upon joining. I want at least dist+ at b-nav, (exceptions can be made). Also, you need to know what you're doing. No novice/able's here! Me or an SO (if there are any) will give this to you!

Senior Officer: ...yeah...I choose these guys! Please don't ask for this! I know who is getting close to this.

Captain: Provide me with enough Limes...! ( Reddogg)

When on a pillage, please obey the OIC ( Officer in Charge ) no matter what, even if he/she is a lower rank than you. :)

Blacklist: Mrswinter, Mikael, Millarr, Never job pirates on our blacklist and expel them if you see them on


Short history

The crew was started by Barnibus and joined many flags before finally helping start The Grip Of Diablo. On February 27, 2012, Barnibus made Reddogg captain of the crew.