Lildevil is a fun-loving, friendly, "sometimes" shy pirate who's cruising around the Sage Ocean. Preferred to be known as "Lil" and not the "Devil" part, considering she's not completely terrible, she resides with the crew Giggle Box. She is also a member of the flag Bring On The Giggles.
- Ultimate in Rigging (Jul. 23rd 2009)
- First injury (eye-patch) received Sept. 27th 2007
- Second injury (hook) received Aug. 1st 2008
- Third injury (pegleg) received Jul. 18th 2009
Lildevil started her swashbuckling (or not so swashy) adventure around early February 2007. She began as a stowaway in the Lincoln Navy, but soon after moved to Admiral Island, amazed by the glamour of the large island. She currently owns a townhouse, mansion and a few other properties, but can find her at her estate which she shares with Virtuous
She learned the fundamentals of piracy and puzzling, through Fildendron, the captain of BOOTY BUCCANEERS, the first crew Lil was in. Although Fildendron taught her all of the basics, its a wonder why she still cant bnav. She then met the crew, Bete Noire, on a small pilly. She was immediately taken with the friendliness/craziness of Booteelishus and Nuttymomsix. She made great hearties through the crew, and many memories, but she moved on after staying with the crew for many months.
Until presently, Lil resided in the crew Goddess of Chaos, for which she loves most of all. She's again met amazing people through the crew and the SMHs that they hold. Some of the pirates she's befriended have been the greatest, craziest, zaniest, best and most of all, mos adorable pirates she's proud to know. Eventually she was promoted to senior officer rank by Titevie, around Christmastime (2008), for which Lil took for granted, by procrastinating on how to learn to bnav: (Lildevil says, "WHAT? I hate bnav! Bite me -_-")
She's now with Giggle Box, giggling her little booty off! :D