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Lilbabysatan started her pirate life on the Cobalt Ocean sometime in October 2005. She raised her stats with a crew (she cannot remember which) and eventually created her own crew by the name of 'kill me now'. She joined the flag Rising Storm But later discarded her crew to join Silver Skulls as an officer. Two months later, she lost her subscription and was lowered to the rank of pirate.

In June 2006, she renewed her subscription and rose back to the rank of fleet officer, in Silver Skulls.

After some events she left Silver Skulls to join Uncommon Valor who are also in the flag Rising Storm at the rank of fleet officer. In September 2006. She moved back to her old crew Silver Skulls to the rank of officer. To this day she is still pillaging with Silver Skulls but who knows what could happen...

Lilbabysatan has recently created her own crew. Earrings and Eyepatches was created on January 18, 2007. This is a fairly small crew, but she has high hopes for it.

Current duties

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