Leterrorist is an alternate pirate. He is a currently a member of the crew Squid Squad.
Leterrorist was, when created, not meant to be played on very much. However, he has been used in situations like- 1) When Chax's crew turns inactive 2) When Chax feels the need to be alone in the game 3) When he needs poe so desperatly that he cant afford things to degrade 4) He wants to keep in touch with his friends in other crews.
Bar-room Brawlers
Leterrorist was a pirate in this crew under the guidance of Barcrawl. Chaxinator was planning to have Chax move from the then-dead crew, Mithril Dream, to this crew. However, due to various reasons, Chax decided not to, and later, the crew turned inactive as well. They have since merged with Leterrorist's next crew, Unbreakable Metal Fleet.
This card signifies that I, or someone that i've beat, has bested Raglover aka the best SFer ever :o | |
Carmine blockade! Jobbing starts at 11am gametime. Jobbing contacts are Cyndieloohoo and Arrgy!:) | |
maxitjee, chorry for being a bad drinker against you...here is the apology i promized ewwwwzzzz.... |
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