La Fin Du Monde

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La Fin Du Monde at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Erikerikson
Senior Officer(s) Aibyouka, Briakatz, Nicolorolo, Redfirefoxx
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation La Maudite
Dormant or disbanded as of 4 January, 2006

La Fin Du Monde (meaning "The End of the World") was formed 4 September, 2005 on the Cobalt Ocean. Originally flying the flag of Indestructible Fury, they changed their allegiance to La Maudite in January, 2006.

When not working in their stalls on Dragon's Nest and Cochineal Island, they are usually out pillaging to continue growing their fleet. They actively recruit, and prospective pirates are encouraged to contact anyone from the captain to the corps of officers.

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