Killers but Sweet

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Killers but Sweet at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Mashmallow
Senior Officer(s) none
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Independent
Dormant or disbanded as of 12 September, 2006

Killers but Sweet was once a crew on the Cobalt Ocean, but is now merged with the crew Knights Templar.

The Beginning

Killers but Sweet was founded on September 17, 2005 by Mashmallow. The crew was started after Mashmallow was displeased with his old crew, Stunning Booty, captain's policies. Due to conflict with its former flag, The Art of War, the Killers disbanded and reformed. This drastically reduced the crew numbers. Later on a conflict broke out between Mashmallow and his Senior Officer, Bootyman. Bootyman then expelled all the cabin boys and left the crew. This was a major lost and cause the crew once again to disband.

Killers but Sweet Version 3

After the crew disbanded, a former SO of the crew, Moterball, decided not to go into another crew but make a crew. He wanted to make Killers but Sweet again. He first got permission from the old captain, Mashmallow. Mashmallow approved and even gave Moterball the crew's funding chest to him. Mashmallow did not, however, want to be a part of the crew at that time. Moterball got the crew's numbers up and eventually the Mashmallow came back to Killers but Sweet as a Senior Officer and First Mate. As the crew went along the numbers declined due to inactivity, and Mashmallow and Moterball went dormant.

The Merge

Mashmallow eventually came back to the game and left the dormant crew but made his alt, Dreyepatch, captain of the crew. Over the time Mashmallow made a new crew called The Reich. German for Empire. Mashmallow then decided to merge Killers but Sweet with The Reich by using his alt. The Reich's name changed from Questionable Crew Name to Knights Templar and still has the old members of Killers but Sweet. Although most are dormant.