
From YPPedia

Kerrykins originally started out on the Midnight Ocean with a pirate called Dee in 2006, however she soon got bored of PP and her pirate got deleted.

Early this year she decided to re-join PP on a new ocean with her new pirate Kerrykins. Originally she wanted to stay independent until one day she joined a pillage with Gotchmunch who was an officer in the crew Daydreamers. At the end of the pillage she decided to become a full member due to the good vibe she felt amongst the crew mates. Feeling shy to start off within a big crew, she bumbled along with her puzzles, working on getting some stats, and eventually after a few weeks she was made officer, one of the senior officers, Wigglesworth, taught her to pillage and bnav, and she was soon running her pillages daily. The captain, Misschrome, had started to recognise her potential and with Wigglesworth recommendation she was promptly made a fleet officer.

Shortly after her new promotion, the crew fell into a bad spell of luck and Kerrykins had noticed something wasn't right. She went to Misschrome to talk to her about her suspicions and they soon became close and great friends. After a month or two, Kerrykins finally got her promotion to senior officer due to the trust, commitment and dedication she had shown to the crew. It was after this promotion that more of the bad luck started to unravel so on a quest she investigated and got her title of Lookout. Getting closer to other members of the flag, she soon started to appear more on the flag chat, and with a recommendation from Serenity (senior officer and first mate of the crew Freebooters Gangway) she was made a princess of the flag. With Pyschadelic the First Mate being dormant, she was then promoted to acting First Mate. This is where she remains today, one pirate who has worked her way up one crew, gained the trust of her captain and helping out the officers in the crew/flag. You are most likely to find Kerrykins playing poker, running pillages or joining her boyfriend Leoric on CI's.

This pirate has once again been deleted.