
From YPPedia

Jimith of the Hunter Ocean has been playing for some years now on and off and has experienced many things and been a part of many great crews. He currently resides in a cottage on Aimuari Island with his roommate and good friend Adamlcm.


Jimith has owned five stalls in his time on the Hunter ocean. Three of these stalls did well while the remaining two, a tailoring stall and iron monger, did not. These stalls were:

  • Jimith's Iron Monger on Quetzal Island
  • Jimith's Tailoring on Quetzal Island
  • Jimith's Weavery on Aimuari Island
  • Jimith's Iron Monger on Sayers Rock
  • Jimith's Weavery on Aimuari Island (Currently in Business)

Crews & Flags

Jimith has captained two crews as well as been varying officer ranks in others. He has also held different royalty positions throughout his time. These are those of which he can remember. There is one unnamed Senior Officer position, one unnamed Officer position, and one unnamed Prince position due to a lack of crew/flag names in which they were served.

Avatar Shop

Jimith at one point ran an Avatar Shop on the Y!PP forums but does no longer due to a loss of his Photoshop program. Examples of these avatars are seen below.