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Jaket is an independent pirate on the Sage Ocean.



Jaket started out in July 2006. He and his best friend found out about this game and at first thought it was boring, but then things changed. Jaket's brother Ezex started to play at the same time as Jaket's friend Bladehunter (not to be confused with Bladehunter from viridian) started to play. They all had the idea of getting a ship and starting a crew. Since Jaket was the first to start this adventure, they all thought that he should be the captain of the crew Shoma Homies. After a couple of days trying, they gave up, but two friends came and said that they would help since they were friends. Then Ciber and Mgshorty started to play this game. Finally enough money was earned and the crew Shoma Homies was made. It took a while to get used to the idea of pillaging, but after a few months Jaket passsed the captaincy to his brother.


Earned enough money to get a full set of maroon white clothes and 2 falchions in 5-6days.(upon his return)