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Isreal is a officer of the crew Dream Catchers and member of the flag Fleet of Dreams. He sails the Sage Ocean.

He is a fun pirate who relies on pillaging and Swordfighting to earn a piratey living. Isreal began playing sometime in September in 2006 and quickly learned the basics of the game from his 1st crew on the Sage Ocean, Wild heart. Under good teaching and his captain, Shampoo.

In the crew Wild Heart, Isreal was trained to an officer quickly by a senior officer, Pegasiswolf. But the captain of Wild Heart didn't seem to have much time for the crew anymore and Pegasiswolf left to make her own crew, which is now called Dream Catchers. Isreal wasn't sure what he should do because much of the crew left Wild Heart to join Dream Catchers. After much debate, Isreal decided to leave Wild Heart and go wherever the winds took him.

Isreal spent a few days roaming the docks of the Sage Ocean looking for a crew that wanted him to join. Isreal had a hearty named Snaxi who invited Isreal to join the crew called the Enlighted Pirates. Isreal served as a fleet officer in the Enlighted pirates for a long time but soon realized that the crew wasn't friendly enough to eachother and left the crew to join a crew called The Clever Little Bandits.

Isreal liked it alot in The Clever Little Bandits and served as a fleet officer loyally for his captain, Karlinda. He was in this crew for about a month, but during that time he realized that the crew had few members, and those members were spread out all over the world in different timezones. Therefore Isreal quit because of members not being online while he was allowed to use his computer.

Isreal found that a lot of his old crew members were in Dream Catchers. And he got his brother, Crazypiratee, to recruit him to the crew. He now serves as an officer in Dream Catchers.


  • Pirates can find Isreal on the docks of Greenwich or Admiral Island, or in his ship The Social Barbel
  • Isreal is not Jewish, he's just real and not fake
  • He likes aqua and white stuff
  • His friends call him Izzy