Insomnia (Emerald flag)

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(Redirected from Insomnia (Sage flag))
Insomnia at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Monarch Captainbap of Dust to Dust
Member crew(s) Alewives 'n Buccaneers, Avenging Adventures, The Crew of Captain Hook, Dust to Dust, October's Very Own, PoE Kings, Royal Legacy
Founded 21 June, 2014
Dormant or disbanded as of 16 July, 2014

Insomnia. Insomnia was founded on June 21, 2014.

We are a growing and active flag that was created a while back by experienced players wanting to create a close community, with blockades!

We are always looking for both new and old crews to join the flag. If ye have any questions about joining the flag or want to talk with us about diplomacy, contact one of our royals, they will be happy to help ye ;)

Flag Forum:

Public statement

Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep.

Extended public statement

I cannot get to sleep tonight.
I toss and turn and flop.
I try to count some fluffy sheep
while o'er a fence they hop.
I try to think of pleasant dreams
of places really cool.
I don't know why I cannot sleep -
I slept just fine at school.
-- Kathy Kenney-Marshall

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