In Search of One Piece (Cobalt)

From YPPedia
In Search of One Piece at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Singularcrw
Senior Officer(s) Simeone
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 2 September, 2005
Dormant as of 21 June, 2007

In Search of One Piece was an independant crew that sailed the Cobalt Ocean.


In Search of One Piece was founded by Singularcrw on 2 September, 2005.

By June of 2007 the crew had become dormant.

Public Statement

This crew shall be in search of every pirate's dream. One Piece, which the last pirate king left and challenged everyone to find before they hung him. Whoever finds this will become the new pirate king. This one piece is what will make all our dreams come true. -Find out more by watching One Piece on Cartoon Network, weeknights and Saturdays.-