Ice Ocean changelog/2015-1

From YPPedia
This page archives the changelog for the Ice Ocean for the first half of 2015. The complete changelog can be viewed at Ice Ocean changelog.


  • Updating the "Your Known World" search to prioritize location names that begin with the provided search text.
  • Further adjustments to SMH payouts. Including a small decrease to Atlantis.
  • Adding some content for internal testing (not currently enabled).


  • Adjusting PoE payout amounts for Sea Monster Hunts to help them stay competitive with each other:
    • Large increase to Haunted Seas
    • Moderate increase to Cursed Isles
    • Moderate decrease to the Kraken
  • Adding a "Search" field to the "Your Known World" display to center the map on known locations. Accepts partial text.
  • Adding a new section to the top of the "Where are my vessels?" display that lists only the ships that you hold the deed for.
  • Adding latest player-created portrait background art.


  • Adding 6 new player-created Summer trinkets to the Palace Shoppe: Peach Cobbler, Zodiac Sigil, Lacy Parasol, Flippy Flops, Potted Sunflowers, and Pocket Tiki.
  • Adding latest player-created portrait background art.
  • Adding "Help" button to the /who info panel.
  • Minor update to the new cannonball icon on the duty report.
  • Internal testing of new LE ship.


  • Ice will no longer save over your preferred Ocean from the production client.


  • Bringing Ice up to date with the production Oceans.
  • Adding an icon to the Duty Report for each cannon that is filled by a pirate in the Gunnery puzzle.
  • Fixing two cannons on the Calamity Cutter that were not functioning as duty stations.
  • Adding some content for internal testing.


  • Updated the Explorers' Hall map spawning:
    • The Viking section will spawn 1 Swordfight and 1 Rumble version of each of the 4 map sizes.
    • The Imperial section will spawn 1 sinking and 1 non-sinking version of each of the 4 map sizes.
    • The Compass section will spawn 1 compass for each brigand king type.
  • Fixing the trigger for the Battered Hat trophy.


  • Adding new player-created portrait backgrounds.
  • Internal testing of new LE ship.


  • Reworking the Explorers' Hall panel to be divided into 3 separate sections. This will remove the need to buy out compasses to try to spawn imperial maps, etc.
  • Allowing the following spring trinkets to be held in portraits: Lime Lexicon, Spring Rake, Flower Pot, Lime Cocktail, Seed Bag
  • Fixing a rare bug that can cause a pending order to incorrectly appear to be complete even though it still requires a tiny bit of labor.
  • Fixing the displayed token count if bnav moves are hidden while tokens are placed for the current turn.
  • Minor update to the image shown when moves are hidden.


  • Removed the individual move token counts while the vessel navigation display is hidden. Showing a "total tokens" label instead.
  • Sending a vessel message when the move hiding setting is toggled.
  • The player who has control of the vessel helm can always see the vessel moves, even if they're in a different crew.
  • When the move hiding is toggled, the change will take effect immediately on all clients (rather than waiting until the end of the turn).
  • Adding a custom UI image for when the moves are hidden.


  • There is a new "Hide Navigation Moves" option available to Officer+ pirates when clicking on a vessel's navigation wheel. This setting will prevent the battle navigation moves from being sent to anyone except Officer+ pirates in your crew. This setting can be toggled at any time.


  • Adding 2015 player-created Eggs.
  • Fixed the color of the face icon when affected by the rabbit curse.
  • Fixed a bug affecting bonus tokens in the Patching puzzle when using Java 8.


  • Bringing Ice up to the latest production release.
  • Adding new player-created portrait backgrounds.
  • Adding new player-created Spring trinkets in the Palace Shoppe.
  • Some minor content undergoing internal testing.


  • Potions can now be split, similar to stackable items like Rogue Marks.
  • Reworked potion combining so that bottles will fill up to 100 swigs before a new bottle is started.
  • Modified the recipe name for the large whisk potion at the apothecary
  • Modified the icon used for the large whisk potion
  • Furniture items will now display their recolor info in the hover tooltip.
    • Note that items that don't change color will still not display any color text.
  • While in the drinking puzzle, a player's stain count can be viewed by hovering over their picture.


  • Multiple potions of the same type can now be combined into a single potion by clicking on the Potion and selecting "Combine".
    • As many potions as possible will combine, as long as the total swigs doesn't exceed 100.
  • Added a recipe for a larger Whisk potion.
  • Swords, Mugs, and Bludgeons will now display their recolor info in the hover tooltip.
    • Note that items that don't change color will still not display any color text.


  • Trinkets will now display their recolor info in the hover tooltip.
    • Note that trinkets that don't change color will still not display any color text.