High Flyers

From YPPedia
High Flyers at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Captainjas
Senior Officer(s) Greekmo, Nslayer
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Silent Hunters
Founded 4 June, 2008
dormant as of 19 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info

High Flyers is a crew on the Hunter Ocean.

Public Statement

We are the High Flyers. We fly high on the sea, pillaging , talking and having fun. Were back, and better then ever!

Extended Public Statement


Join us for fun at the sea! We pillage everyday and get tons of booty from it! The rules aren't strict and there is only punishment when needed. We advise that every officer, fleet officer, and senior officer have the badge that matches their rank. So come and join us!

Ranks and Promotions

Cabin person: This is only a punishment rank.(If you make someone a CP, please inform me).

Pirate: Right when you join, you get this rank.

Officer: You must have 4 broads or higher in any of the duty puzzles. You must also complete a training pillage with a senior officer or the captain.

Fleet officer: Must have 5 broads or higher in any of the duty puzzles. You must also have distinguished or higher in battle navigation.

Senior Officer: Must be trusted by the captain and SOs, but duty puzzle rank won't matter.

We will also promote you if we feel that you have the experience to handle the position.

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