Guards Of Honor

From YPPedia
Guards Of Honor at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Robertgv
Senior Officer(s) Boran, Christyna
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Imperial Rednecks
Founded 14 March, 2007
disbanded as of 19 May, 2009

Guards Of Honor is a crew on the Sage Ocean. It was founded March 14, 2007.

Public Statement

This is a Crew of Honor among other principles ....We Guard that Honor closely and proudly!

Extended Public Statement

If Ye would like to join this new and upstart crew all you have to do is ask any officer of the crew! Ranks:

You will be automatically made a pirate, congrats on that!

Officer: You can be an officer if you have any type of ship, just show it to the Captain and him and and only him will promote you too officer!

(Please note that the Captain and the Captain alone has the power to promote anyone to officer)

Fleet Officer: This position can be earned in two different ways....1.Stats way, that is having at least Distinguished in all Piracy Skills except TH 2. Time Route... that means you have been in crew and showed your Honor as well as ye can be trusted and have also earned respect of the Captain. The Captain's trust is needed to be earned with either route taken, so please be patient!

(Please note that the Captain and the Captain alone has the power to promote anyone to Fleet Officer)

Senior Officer: Do not ask to be this position! Captain will come to you when you have put in the time and showed the highest standards of honor , respect and trust!

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