Grab Stab Cut Slice Rip

From YPPedia
Grab Stab Cut Slice Rip at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Naclhtwooh
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation none
Founded 30 August, 2009
Dormant as of 27 August, 2012

Grab Stab Cut Slice Rip was a crew on the Sage Ocean, created August 30th, 2009.

Public Statement

"And in those moments when you do not realize that you are beautiful, I will be there in the deepest ravines of my heart."

Extended Public Statement

I have you now, I have you now, right off starboard bow

I have six needles, I have six dimes, for which to saw you like a cow

Make haste, make haste, your final words and will

You must inscribe, you must decide, for the tide is wrought to kill

And along your pretty little eyelids flashing white

The knives will stick and grip and lick with luscious little bites

Mm, savory soup, the seas are salted red

Breathe now, breathe last, your time's a passed, for yer along me starboard bow

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut To Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut To Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits

Cut to bits with Candlesticks, Cut to Bits


No senior officers will be promoted without full trust. I apologize for this inconvenience. Nothing is required to become an officer but a ship. Fleet officer will be assigned with possession of multiple ships and trust. Pirate is automatic. Crew color is Red.

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