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1- Global Explanation of the stations : - The duty report is a (moyenne) of your recent work on the puzzle (i.e. since the last report). - Leaving your station force the evaluation of your work. if you haven't worked enough on your station, the evaluation is necessarily lower than your current indicator. This answers the FAQ "How can i get a good dr when i have a very shiny indicator ?" In fact i'll be counted in the next dr. - The aim if you plan to rank up is to maintain a great report as long as possible without leaving the station. if you swich station or swich ship, it reset your score. My advise is to join long pillage where you can stay hours on a station without being kicked. - On all stations you'll get *point* for specific actions your global score is also affected by time. So if you plan to get incredibles you really have to think and play as fast as possible. For example a quick master piece 5 on carp can give you a higher dr than a slow master piece 10.

2- Tokens : - Tokens appear on stations on special area (blokade, smh, flotilla) and only when you're doing a good work. It will stop coming for a fine job but it will jump on most pieces at an incredible work. - As a matter of fact, if you're pursuing tokens you first need to learn how to often get incredibles or tokens won't come in your screen. - If you are good enough to get high incredibles you can stop working at your station and concentrate on only getting tokens. This will lower your report to excellent but will enhance your token rate. Playing too much with that tip will makes them disappear so it can be tricky.

3 videos : Ok stop the theory and watch the videos to understand how to improve.