Gone Phishin'

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Gone Phishin' at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Dirtyjacapo
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation Red Ribbon Army
Founded 5 February, 2007
Dormant as of 3 September, 2009

Gone Phishin' was a crew that sailed the Cobalt Ocean.

Public Statement

Just like Prince Caspian, We float upon the waves.

Extended Public Statement

Welcome to a new kind of crew. This wil be much like an actual Navy. Should the orders of Officers be disobeyed you will be planked. You go where you are ordered to where you are needed. No questions asked.

Promotion scale:

Cabin Person: Anyone new looking for a crew to get some experience.

Pirate: Narrow in sailing, bilge and carp.

Officer: Upon my own review, and/or ownership of your own ship.

Fleet officer: Upon my own review, solid in Bilge, carp, sail, B nav. and guns.

Senior Officer: Upon my review and voted on by other officers.