Golden Marauders

From YPPedia
Golden Marauders at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Silvrull
Senior Officer(s) Thescientist
Flag Affiliation
merged into Menacing Elves as of 20 February, 2008

Golden Marauders was a small crew on the Sage Ocean with great ambitions.


Cabin Person: Greenie

Pirate: Know the games broad in sail, blige and carpentry alittle carousing skills would give you a boost.

Officer: Solid in sail, carp and blige some carousing skills or a ship would give you a boost

Fleet Officer: Trust, Independant on making money(not begging) a ship and a lot of carousing skills would give you a boost

Senior Officer : no requirements (except TRUST)


No begging DO not leave ships on uninhabited islands Do not spam If you delibraty lose in a battle you will be planked and muted by the captain, if you have a reason i will let you stay Obey ALL orders from captain