Puzzle Codename: Tuna
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Username: | mournful |
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Project forum thread: | GCPP thread |
Game concept
A 2-part puzzle. The first part is a cross between alchemistry and Pipeline. The second part is a color/shape change puzzle.
Part 1: Draw lines in a sandy board so a molten metal pour will create an enclosed object. Part 2: Use tools to shape a red-hot iron bar to match the shape created in part 1.
Part 1: The board is covered in random sand tiles mixed with pre-drawn line pieces that are similar to alchemistry pieces with fewer sharp corners and with 2 or more connection points.
The player selects 1 of 4 start locations in the corners of the board. The player connects the pre-drawn line pieces in an enclosed shape aiming for a desired shape and either a number of lines drawn matching the amount of metal in the pour or as large a shape as possible on the board.
The player places line pieces on sand tiles and may discard pieces by placing them next to a debris tile. Most pieces have smooth corners with only 2 connection points. The toolbox also contains a gutter tool that can cap a line. A straight line placed on a sand dune tile can also cap a line. Debris tiles cannot have a line tile placed on them. Uncapped open lines spill molten metal over the board.
After the board is filled or at the player's option, the pour starts.
Part 2. The board generates a target shape based on the shape drawn in part 1. The player matches the tiles of a bar of red-hot iron to the target tiles using tools that rotate the color and pattern of a group of tiles. Tools can flatten the bar and fold the shapes - rotating the color and pattern and moving the edge in or out. The player has a number of moves equal to the points gained in part 1.
The player has a toolbox with a small, medium, and large round hammer and short, medium, and long edge tool. Each move the strength of their blow and the offset of the rotation is random and attaches to the tool the player chooses to use. The player sees the current pattern of the strike and the following pattern of the strike.
Part 1: Creating an enclosed shape increases the moves available in part 2 with every line used in the shape and with a bonus for each pre-drawn piece used. Using gutters to end lines or going over the amount of metal available reduces moves. Stray lines not connected to the shape reduce moves.
Part 2: The casting from part 1 is randomized into a target shape with a range of colors inside the shape depending on any lines drawn inside the shape. Tiles matching or similar to the target tile increase points and tiles different from the target shape decrease points. Matching edge tiles in the correct location increase points and not matching edge tiles decrease points.
Bonus pieces in part 1 are gold pieces that give the same bonus as a pre-drawn piece.
End criteria
The game ends in part 1 if the board is bootched by having molten metal spilled over it during the pour or if the player chooses to leave the game after the pour and get a Fine. The game ends in part 2 when all moves are made or when the player chooses to quench the bar of iron.
Difficulty scaling
In part 1 the amount of metal decreases slightly and the sand tiles contain debris and sand dunes. More pre-drawn pieces clutter the board and the random pieces can have more connections. Random pieces can have sharper curves.
In part 2 the strength of the blows can vary more from very weak to very strong and the offset can be higher.
Crafting type
Known problems
No time limit. Scoring potential increases with difficulty in part 1 but not in part 2 as the shape is controlled by the player. Proposed solutions on the thread.
Rotation idea from bronzebeard’s Telescope puzzle: http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?p=721845.
Multistage puzzles: http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=45177
Puzzle Part 1 Sample Board.
Puzzle Part 1 Sample Solution.
Puzzle Part 1 Other Sample Solution.