
From YPPedia

Puzzle Codename: Muskellunge

Username: Sjayren
Additional contact info: Duckling
Project forum thread:

Game concept

a cross between, Duty navigation, a rubricks cube and distilling.


The goal is to get all the primary hexagonal bases to have all 6 pentagonal colours surrounding them within a time limit. So as to keep the sewing machine running


There will be a number of different coloured hexagonal 'bases' with surrounding pentagonal shapes of different colours. The idea is to change the pentagonal shapes between neighbouring series so that the whole spool (hexagonal and pentagonal) is the same colour. To rotate the 'spool' click on the central colour and the outer pentagonal pieces will move clockwise/counter clockwise (as per dnav). Click on a neighbouring spools piece to change the pentagonal shapes between spools. (rubricks cube)


as each pentagonal piece is placed in the correct base colour the player recieves a point, if the colour is removed from the similar base colour a point is deducted. if the whole spool is completed with the same colour you get bonus points. The more spools completed within a pretetermined time frame the more points


as each spool is completed bonus items may be found (i.e swap any piece on the board)

End criteria

when a specific number of spools have been activated (i.e same colour) 5 for beginners 10 intermediates 15 for experts

Difficulty scaling

having to complete more spools in order to finish, as the game advances each pentagonal piece has a different shape inside it (similar to blockade manouvre shapes)so that only those pieces of similar internal pieces can be swapped from spool to spool.

Crafting type


Known problems



now im no artist....

The raw frameworks- the spools (central dominant coloured and peripheral interchangeable shapes)


With the colours (end product could have other variables not just colours. for example each pentagonal piece can only be swapped for another piece with similar markings as seen in the blockade puzzles)


So in order to make a Red Spool, you need to get all the red pieces on the board to the central red spool


rotate the top one counterclockwise and the one below in clockwise


then you can swap the red and gold pentagons over


If you keep doing this and moving the pieces to the spool you can get this
