
From YPPedia

Puzzle Codename: Cancan

Username: sabbichan
Additional contact info: On Colbalt as Sabbi
Project forum thread: Forum Discussion Thread

Game concept

A drop-action game which uses pattern combos to fill a metered requirement. (Hopefully a completely original idea.)


Create combine pieces and create patterns to gain 'points' and clear pieces respectively. The incredible player will have several maximum combination pieces in a row.


The player is presented with a clear 8x12 board and one 1x5 'active' area ("needle and thread") which they have control over. Players catch falling single pieces ("simple stitches" - see image below) in the active area to combine them to make point-scoring pieces ("combo stitches" - again see image below) which add up to points.

Images not caught in the active area will become blockers which inhibit the movement of the active area. Blockers will disappear when they combine to form combo stitches (based on complete drop-luck, these combos won't score points.) Also, the player can actively try to get rid of the blockers by catching three of the same piece in their active area. This "combo pattern" will remove the blockers of the same pattern stitches.

Combos are kept track of on the meter; when the meter is full the points are tallied and the game ends. The game is "booched" when the player fills the active area completely.


Points are scored when a player catches single pieces in the correct order to create combo pieces.


Drop order for the single pieces is determined by a random generator, and movement becomes more restricted as blockers build up.

End criteria

When the player fills the point meter, the game is over.

Difficulty scaling

More than one single piece will drop at the same time as the difficulty increases. (An alternate to this scenario could be that the drop rate could speed up as difficulty increases.)

Crafting type


Known problems

None to date.


Idea posted Nov 23, 2006.



A gameplay demo illustration. Once the piece enters the active area, it moves with the active area.