
From YPPedia

Puzzle Codename: Balda

Username: Benzene265
Additional contact info: benzene265@yahoo.com
Project forum thread: http://forums.puzzlepirates.com/community/mvnforum/viewthread?thread=45579

Game concept

Like Tetris, only with pentominoes. I have yet to see a decent, playable version of Pentomino Tetris, so making an entry here might be my only chance. In this version, you'll actually be able to flip and rotate pieces. Why is it called Construction when no one asked for a construction puzzle? Because the mechanic works so well for it. Besides, with the coming addition of Titans, it's possible that we'll need to rebuild often enough to want a puzzle. Also, this type of puzzle is more active than other Crafting Puzzles.


Build rows with your pentominoes and clear them. Try to clear as many at one time as possible. Your efforts go to building the brick wall at the bottom of the screen. When your brick wall reach the Goal Line, you win!


The game is played on a board that's 12 blocks wide by 24 blocks tall. Pieces fall from the top of the board, conveniently marked by an arrow. You may move the pieces left and right, Z-flip them (like carpentry), or rotate them in plane. When a piece reaches the bottom, you can "slide" it for a few seconds to make it fit into a tight gap. To score, make at least one row of blocks the whole way across. The completed rows of blocks will disappear. For every two lines you clear, you complete a row of the Brick Wall, which appears at the bottom of your game board and pushes any remaining blocks up with it. If you build to the top and have no more room for pieces, that will end the game and you'll get a penalty to your score. If you clear 24 lines without booching, your Brick Wall will be complete and you'll win.


Scoring will be based on how many lines you can clear at once with a multiplier for making clears based on Brick Wall height.


Vary the number of lines required to build a layer of the Brick Wall. Also, for the ulties, the individual pieces can fall faster. You might also get "Junk" pieces at higher levels.

End criteria

It ends when the brick wall reaches the goal line, which should be about 24-48 lines. It also ends if you booch and build to the top of the board.

Difficulty scaling

Your first game will be slow. Subsequent games will be faster if you do them well.

Crafting type

Construction. I could also see it working for other things that require building up, like Furnishing or possibly Weaving.

Known problems

It's based on Tetris, which would probably cost a lot to license. Also, might be considered too similar to Sailing and SF, despite the fact that I consider them all to be very different. Also, not coded yet. Ha.



About to make a combo.
Building the Brick Wall.
Reaching the Goal Line.
Proposed Background.