Foraging INC

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Foraging INC at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Capnkeal
Senior Officer(s) Jargh
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Safe Haven
Founded 25 April, 2010
Dormant or disbanded as of 21 December, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

Foraging INC was a crew on the Hunter Ocean.

Crew Info

This crew wasn't for new pirates, it was for pirates trying to make a lot of money in a different way. The best way to get into this crew was to prove that you love foraging and could help out other members.

Ranking System

  • Captain : Be named Capnkeal
  • SO : Be named Jargh
  • FO : Be a Feline Officer
  • Officer : ---let you know when we have one---
  • Pirate : Useless Alts
