Forageing inc

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You may also be looking for Foraging Inc, another Sage Ocean crew
Forageing inc at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Foragecaptin
Senior Officer(s) none
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 28 July, 2008
Dormant as of 10 December, 2008

Forageing inc is a foraging crew on the Sage Ocean.

Public Statement

Wan't to join us?

Extended Public Statement

You can't! We promise never to do a trade run during a reboot notice and pay at least 50poe per league. Anyone with Master + in a station will be jobbed for that station if they are needed. Otherwise do not job.

Yes we are currently a small forageing crew with intentions to expand, at least some of the poe foraged will be released into the ocean in the form of tournaments ect. ran by us. (Not all of us forageing crews are bad).