Fly Your Flag!

From YPPedia

πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ Phantom Nights Presents: Fly Your Flag! πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ

Every bunch of pirates worth their salt have their own fantastic flag to fly!

In this event, we ask you to create your own unique pirate flag design that your crew/flag/independent pirate would be proud to display on their crow's nests.

πŸ“œ Rules:


  • This event is open to all pirates on Emerald Ocean.
    • Pirates from other oceans are welcome to enter for fun, but prizes will be only available on Emerald.
  • One entry per person.

How to Enter

  • Create a flag design to be flown on a ship! Your flag should use colors and symbols to represent your crew, flag, or, if you're an independent pirate, yourself.
    • 'Create' can mean many things. Digitally or traditionally: draw, sculpt, emboss, paint, collage, block print, etc... whatever medium inspires you!
    • Your flag design entry image should be a flat rectangle seen from straight-on, like these real-life examples.
  • Photograph or otherwise upload a file of your entry to the Discord thread (link TBD) with your pirate name, ocean, and a short description of your entry and how it represents your crew, flag, or independent pirate.
    • Try to crop any photos so that your flag is the only thing visible in the image.
    • For non-Nitro accounts, the size limit on discord is 25MB (which should be more than plenty! If you reach this limit, try shrinking your image to something smaller).
  • (Optional) Add a link to the flag simulator FlagWaver showing your design flying!
    • To share your flag, once you've uploaded it to discord, right click on the image and select 'Copy Link'- then paste it into the 'Web' box on FlagWaver and click the arrow. Your flag will display, and the URL at the top of the page will now be a unique url for your flag, and you can edit this link into your entry.
      • Note: You have to use a Web link for your image- uploading the file directly does allow *you* to see it, but doesn't allow it to be shared.


  • All flag designs created must be your own work. No copies or AI-assisted entries will be accepted for this event.
  • All flag designs must follow all game and discord rules. Inappropriate entries will not be allowed.

🎁 Prizes:

  • Phantom class war frigate dock.pngThe best flag design will receive a navy First place medal trinket and a Phantom class war frigate to fly your fabulous flag from!
  • Furniture-Pirate flag.pngRunners-up (2nd through 4th place) will receive a navy Looped ribbon trinket, 100,000 PoE and a 'Pirate flag' furniture item!
  • Trinket-Greeting card.pngEach other entry will receive a navy commemorative trinket for participating!

Other prizes may be given depending on number of participants.

⏰ Deadline:

  • Deadline is November 10th, 2024 at 11:59 PM game time (PST). See the Discord thread for a real-time timestamp in your timezone!
    • After posting your entry you may edit it as many times as you'd like up until the deadline. Please note, while editing text can be done in-place, if you wish to add/edit your image, you must remove your post completely and repost.
  • Any entries submitted or edited after this time will not be considered for prizes, but please do feel free to still upload your idea for everyone's appreciation.

πŸ§‘πŸ»β€βš–οΈ Judging:

Judges: Cattrin, Poggy and Vera

We would use FlagWaver Simulator for judging the effectiveness of your flag, as well as your flat designs.

Judging Tips

  • Multiple entries from the same crew/flag are just fine, as long as they are the sole work of each individual person entering.
  • The best and most effective flags have simple designs- the simpler the better to see from your spyglass a league away! Artistic flair is always good, but if your details are so small that they're lost in the distance, your flag won't be recognizable.
  • Aspect ratio (shape) of your flag can be any rectangle, as even real life countries can't decide a standard. However, please do submit a rectangular flag (sorry Nepal).
  • Sharing your flag on the flag simulator FlagWaver is optional.