fire slashers

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fire slashers at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Agustinn
Senior Officer(s) Gonzila
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 4 December, 2005
Dormant as of 8 June, 2007

fire slashers was an independent crew that sailed the Sage Ocean.

History of fire slashers

fire slashers was founded on 4 December, 2005.

By June of 2007 the crew had become dormant.

Crew Articles

  1. Crew positions are not gained by abilities, they are only gained by: time, loyalty, being friendly, being a friend of mine, and/or being honest.
  2. The only exception is that you will be immediatly made an officer if you have a boat or pirate if I want to.
  3. If you take from coffers without autorisation, you will be reported and out of the crew
  4. Never booch it at sailing, because I think its nearly imposible to make it, unless you want to do it, because is reduces speed and movements in battles.
  5. Don't take my boat without telling me please SOs and FOs I'll continue the rules later.