
From YPPedia

Findinbooty is a landlubbing, girl-chasing, card playing, rum-drinking pirate.

After a short stint on a crew he started his own, The Salty Seawolves. While being captain was a thrill a minute it became more of a time-consuming chore and more or less--babysitting. Findin's real desire was to run a shoppe which he did successfully. He had an iron monger shoppe on Gaea Island and then one on Turtle Island. As Puzzle Pirates begun to get boring, Findinbooty took a break for 6 months but then came back after the addition of card games. As a #1 player in hearts, Findinbooty has been very successful and has bought plenty of houses due to his winnings. He currently resides in a mansion on Alpha Island while he prepares for his estate.

Contributions and Awards / Contributions and Accomplishments

  • #1 hearts player
  • Ran successful iron monger shoppes on Gaea Island and Turtle Island.


He began playing Puzzle Pirates in January 2004. He became captain of his own crew The Salty Seawolves in March 2004.