Fearsomest's Shoppe Spreadsheets
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Bookkeeping Tools
By Fearsomest from Cobalt
Bug reports & enquiries to fearsomest@yahoo.com.au
Fearsomest created her Excel spreadsheet tools to assist with managing the many stalls/shoppes she once looked after.
They are designed to handle cash flow records, report on profit/loss over time, and in some cases such useful things as quotation tools. Also, the data analysis provided lets a stall/shoppe owner know such things as the cost of commodities over time, so that projections can be made and plans arranged to have certain stock ready when it is likely to be needed.
They can all be found for free download at her flag forums here: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewforum.php?f=35
There is no need to register in order to download the files.
Links to individual tool forum threads:
!UPDATED! Tailor workbook v1.01: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=156 (last updated 7 Jan 08)
Weavery workbook v1.0: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=155 (last updated 14 Aug 07, checked 7 Jan 08, no need for changes currently)
!UPDATED! Apothecary workbook v1.01: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=153 (last updated 7 Jan 08)
!UPDATED! Shipyard workbook v1.01: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=151 (last updated 7 Jan 08)
Ironmonger workbook v1.02: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=150 (last updated 11 Aug 07, last checked 7 Jan 08, no need for changes currently)
!NEW! Furnisher Workbook v1.0: http://amici.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=194 (last updated 7 Jan 08)
Instructions for each workbook are included within the download. The instructions below are generic to all sheets and may not include certain details relevant to the workbook you are using. If so, please refer to the instructions in the workbook itself.
1. In the monthly sheets, first enter the opening balance at the top for your starting month only (this can be any month, but the year will always end in December).
- Each category in the monthly data sheets has been grouped - simply click on the little plus (+) symbol in the left margin to open that group and add data. Click again on the minus symbol to close the group. This has been done to minimise scrolling.
- Enter transactions in the relevant sections, including the date, quantity of an item and the PoE amount for the transaction (enter expense amounts as negative numbers).
- The rest is done for you - at a glance you can see your average cost of items, which products sell most, and whether you are running the stall profitably.
2. Use the closing balance figure at the bottom of the sheet to determine whether you have entered all amounts. If your figures are out and the "/9" figure at the bottom is a round number, it is likely that you have transposed a figure while entering data (eg: 63 entered as 36). When this happens the difference is divisible by 9.
3. If you or your managers have ordered internally, your closing balance will not match that of your stall once your transactions are entered - the difference is usually the cost of labor for your order(s). Enter this figure as a cost (Labor premades) in order to balance your figures. You may also choose to withdraw tax amounts paid on premade orders. Include these withdrawals as a cost too (Tax premades)
4. If there are not enough rows within a certain category, simply insert more. Click on the row above the total line and go to the menu option Insert->Rows. This will not affect your calculations, however if you insert directly above the total line the new row will not be included in the total so please be careful where you click before you insert.
5. The closing balance of each month is carried forward to the opening balance on the sheet for the following month. You should not need to edit the opening balance after your month of commencement. However, in this workbook the financial year does end in December. If you start your year in July, the opening balance for January will not be sourced from the December sheet. You will need to start a new set of worksheets once you reach December.
6. On the Tables sheet are listed year to date total figures - these are all sourced from the monthly worksheets. DO NOT edit these figures! These have been provided to give you an overall picture of how your stall is progressing and the data here is used to generate the Charts in the final worksheet.
7. In order to keep track of your last entry so that you know where you were up to when you come back to the workbook later, it is suggested that you highlight (colour fill) the final entry for the day in a bright colour so that it stands out for you.