Fallen Angels (Midnight)

From YPPedia
Fallen Angels at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch None of none
Member crew(s) Master's Commanders
Organization Fallen Angels deliberately has no monarch -- royalty only.
Dormant or disbanded as of 29 June, 2006

Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels is a flag on Midnight.

Public Statement

We're open to any size crews after being accepted by the rest of the flag.

You may notice we have no King. We're hoping to successfully create a Royalty-Only option. All Senior Officers will be automatically receive Titled status from the flag.

We have three goals:

  • 1. FUN, and yes, that's capitalized.
  • 2. Create an integrated trading system with our local trade experts.
  • 3. Take an island eventually after building membership.

For FUN goal #1, we have Flag nights. Not just Crew Meetings. Forums are being created as we speak, I'll let you know.


Fallen Angels was one of several shards of the former Ruby Phoenix. The flag is now completely dormant.

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