
From YPPedia
Elitewarrior has no portrait

Elitewarrior was almost a fine gentleman, though he was a greenie. Swordmanguy was about to offer him a position in a crew, but then Elitewarrior begged the crew to plank him just to see what it looked like. With no surprise it was nothing special.

He eventually left the crew announcing that he would change the Hunter Ocean. With his announcment the crew sent a spy to see what he did. The spy found out he joined a crew named EPIC. There he became a fleet officer and blended into the ranks. With one small Gunnery mistake, he was expelled from the crew. That mistake drove him to extreme anger and he decided to join another crew.

A friend of his gave him a suggestion: the crew Kickflip. He joined and enjoyed himself for the time being. Later the captain didn't log on for a long time and Elitewarrior's savings faded. Eventually he didn't log on himself either, and for some reason ever since the captain stopped playing and so did Elitewarrior. No one knows what happened to him.